financing services

Inventory Financing

Typical large scale retailers have large amounts of capital locked in their inventories. Using the inventory as collateral, we provide financing for retailers and distributors of electric products. Through chattel financing we give distributors the possibility to expand their business with limited working capital. Loan rates and terms could be higher than those from conventional lenders

Equipment financing/Leasing

Modern measurement equipment can be expensive. Brix provides financing of electrical equipment, specializing in measurement equipment, up to 80% of its purchasing cost. The equipment will remain the property of Brix, until the equipment is fully paid.

Solar installation

Brix is a staunch supporter of clean energy development. Solar energy has very high investment cost but a very low maintenance cost. Financing is a key aspect of developing a solar energy infrastructure.

Project Financing

New substations, new transmission lines and new generation facilities are all capital intensive propositions. Through innovative legal structures and financial arrangements, Brix Capital is able to provide financing in these situations.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Brix Capital supports expanding businesses that want to increase the scope and size of their operations by acquiring other existing firms.